Friday, June 18, 2010

Art Show at the Medicine Agency

Art shows are always a lot of fun and a very affordable way to jump start a Thursday night. No cover, visual entertainment, good company, free booze...

Last night was the 

at Medicine Agency, a Nob Hill gallery on Mason and Jackson. 

With over 40 artists showing,

the venue was pretty crowded by 9:00

and there was plenty to look at and to talk about.

And PBR sponsorship.... total bonus! 

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Dolores Park: Best Patio in San Francisco

My absolutely favorite! Sunshine, cold beer, snacks, friends, games, and the kind of people-watching some might even pay money to see. Dolores has definitely become the spot when I crave some outdoor rest and relaxation.

The park is just one of many in the city, but stands out as a bumpin' social center for youth of all ages to meet, to drink, and to share stories, ideas, and more.

If you get super turned on by style, clothing, and outfits, this is a very exciting place to be. The way people choose to physically appear to others is, to me, kind of like show and tell. There's something extraordinarily personal about observing these, "What I decided to wear to the park today," presentations from a distance. 

 And little ladies all over are getting gold stars.

Every second Thursday of the month there's a free movie in the park. I haven't been myself yet but I really think I would be into it, especially considering last month's movie was Beetlejuice. Hell yes!

With a little something for everyone to enjoy,

Dolores Park,

 I dig you're beat.